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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Moving Day!

So these cute little babies arrived to the farm a couple of weeks ago, three to be exact. Aren't they adorable. They are definitely the cutest at this stage. Even Sarah Katherine couldn't stop picking them up.

So after two to three times a day feedings, filling up waterers, and also adding shavings every couple of days to their bedding, it was time for them to be moved outside.  With all of the spring-like weather we were having, it was perfect timing. 
So this past Sunday, we finished up the new design for the chicken tractor and decided to split the 200 baby chicks between the old style that we had last year and the new hoop design that we built this year. 
The one on the left is the old design and the one on the right is the new and improved version. It is much easier to get in and out of. Plus, it is much easier to move across the pasture everyday so the chickens can get plenty of grass and insects.

Before moving them into their new home, we had to put together some feeders. Shaggy decided that she would help me out and make sure that everything met her standards. 
The chicks were the loaded up and moved to their new home. Can't you see how happy they are enjoying some sunshine!
And here the moving day has ended happily with some fresh grass to feed on and some sunshine to  enjoy!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This house is going to the chickens!

Sarah Katherine and I decided to do some landscaping a couple of weeks ago when we had that beautiful weather.  We opened all the windows to freshen up the house and we headed outside. It was a vicious cycle of us laying down the mulch and then the chickens scratching it all out into the yard.  By the time we finished putting down all of the mulch, it looked like a tornado had come through.  I have learned that nothing will stay in the same place when you have chickens, dogs and a little piglet running around the yard.

After a frustrating morning of spreading mulch, we came inside for a snack and some milk.  I handed Sarah Katherine some milk and crackers for her to take in the playroom to watch cartoons while I washed eggs.  She came running back into the kitchen and said, "There's is a chicken in my chair! It's eating my crackers! Get it out mommy".  I thought that she was playing because she is a 2 year old that has a WILD imagination.  As I walk into the playroom, this is what I see:

Sarah Katherine's imagination wasn't running wild but the chicken was inside my house!

Sarah Katherine had lost the fight and abandoned all snacks!

Shortly after me screaming at the chicken, she went right back outside the window that she came in through.  I guess that I will have to put the screen back on that window!  There is never a dull moment here on the farm!