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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chateau Elan, a great place to pick up a bottle of wine and....CHICKENS!

It was time to expand our chicken flock, and we found a great deal on craigslist for organic egg laying chickens.  The Spring is coming and we really want to hit a lot of the Farmer's Markets in the area so we wanted to make sure we had plenty of eggs for them and our CSA members.  The problem was that the eggs were in Moreland, Georgia.  No, I had never heard of it either but I soon found out it was on the other side of Atlanta.  We were able to get in touch with the guys and found out that they also manage a horse farm.  They said for $25 dollars they would meet us halfway.

So, Danielle loaded up the truck and headed down towards Atlanta to meet the guys at Chateau Elan.
That is where halfway was--not your typical place to see agriculture purchases take place.   Please, if you have never heard of it look it up on the internet.

Danielle said that it was pretty interesting watching folks faces as they drove by to get a bottle of wine and tour the vineyards.  I don't guess any of them thought they would get to see three people making a chicken exchange.

Danielle brought the birds home and she accidentally had some get out.  Usually, when we introduce birds to the eggmobile we try to place them in it overnight to let them get adjusted.  Then when you turn them loose they usually come back that first night to roost.  This did not work out at all!  We started catching them once I got home from work.

Even Sarah Katherine helped.  Notice the death grip she has on this hen.

So, after a couple of hours sunset caught up with us and we had about 40 birds wandering aimlessly in the dark.  We had to go back out with flashlights and get them all up and put them in the mobile coop.  It was cold, but it was kind of fun.

Then I had one bad experience where I was straddling the electric fence and it slipped off of the hat I was holding it with.  I had to roll off the fence with a chicken under each arm.  Each chicken went flying as I flung them to catch myself as I fell.  I really like helping chickens, but it is every man for himself when your crotch is getting electrocuted!

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