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Monday, April 18, 2011

Pickling Eggs

I thought that I would use something that we had plenty of so I could try and try again until it was perfect---so I used EGGS since we have SO many of them. 

The first part is the most boring part-boiling eggs! If you have never boiled an egg then here is a quick tip: Bring the eggs to a boil. When there is a rolling boil, shut off the heat and let them sit for 10 minutes.  Oh, also, don't use freshly laid eggs. It is best to use eggs that are about 5-6 days old.  After they have sat for 10 minutes, remove them from the hot water and place them in cold water.  I will usually put mine in the fridge after this point and then peel them the next day. 

So back to the pickling. Go ahead and sterilize the jars and lids (don't use the Windex-it was on the counter when I took the picture). I used the really big jars because I had so many eggs--have I mentioned that we have LOTS of eggs!

Your eggs should look like this. 

I then used a really simple recipe for pickling: 1 cup of water, 2 cups of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of pickling spice, and a tablespoon of minced garlic w/ a bay leaf added in. Bring that to a boil. (this does about 4 dozen eggs-so I doubled it)

After you pack your eggs in the jars, you should pour the vinegar mixture to the top of the jar and seal it. Don't they look beautiful! (Not sure how they taste yet!)

At this point, you can go ahead and "can" them by placing them in a large pot of boiling water to can them or you can put them in the fridge if you don't take the canning route.  After about 5-7 days, they are ready to taste!  I hope you enjoy!

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