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Sunday, January 9, 2011

On to Greener Pastures

It is the time of the year when most of the grass at the house has played out and it is time to move the cows to new pasture.  Luckily, that pasture is about 1 mile down the road.  I had some great help from our neighbor's son to get the cows loaded on the trailer and over to the rented pasture.  We started at about 3:30 on afternoon and moved 6 trailer loads by dark!  By the time night caught up with us we only had two cows left.   The next afternoon we loaded the last two and we couldn't find the other 60 cows we had turned out.  They had busted through some of the electric fencing and were nowhere to be seen.  We walked for miles trying to find them.  They were all bedded down over the top of a hill and we had went past them twice.  I have lost a cow or two in my life, but I was kind of embarrassed about losing 60!  We called them back to the trailer to turn out the other cows.

It was nice to see those last two cows join the rest of the herd.  There is nothing better than watching cows graze on new pasture!

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