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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Got Eggs? Give us your favorite egg recipe.

Egg production has really slowed this winter.  We are all excited about the changes in the season and the chill in the air that winter brings, but the chickens are another story.  As the days shorten and the temperatures drop, egg production decreases drastically.  On commercial farms all of the birds are in climate controlled environments with one square foot each and where the light is manipulated to give optimum production.  In a free range model you are at the mercy of the elements, so we have peak production times and these lulls during the year.

This makes it extra tricky to have enough eggs during certain times of the year for our CSA members and an overload during other times.  During the Spring I know we are going to have eggs, or something with eggs in it at least once during the day!  We plan on increasing our production with the increase in our number of CSA members and use an old cotton wagon to produce another mobile house about twice the size of the one we currently have.  If anybody has any great recipes using eggs please send them to us!  We will post our favorites on our blog.

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