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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lions, tigers and pears, oh my!

I love my daughter.  After thirty minutes of fencing this morning she decided she wanted to go look for tigers and bears?!?  I have no idea.  Actually,  I wasn't doing a very good job of watching her and as I heard a horrible scream I ran around the corner of the barn to see her screaming her head off as she chased a chicken who did not want to be held.

Anyway, this search for "tigers and bears" ended up at the hog pen to visit Hamlet where she informed me that Hamlet loves "bears".  I still don't know how I made the connection, but I finally did.  Our neighbor had kept Sarah Katherine one afternoon and they had fed the pigs pears off of their tree so now that is something that she likes to do with the pigs.  So, I finally understood that she was wanting "pears" instead of "bears".  Here is a picture of her feeding hamlet her "bears"!  Probably one of the best mornings I have had in a LONG time.  I still have no idea what "tigers" could be code for.

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